Originality Detection Tools

What are Originality Detection Tools

Originality detection tools are tools that check the citations in a piece of work. They are primarily used to check for plagiarism and to improve the quality of citations. Plagiarism, which is often termed as "fraud", can also occur when academic work fails to properly credit the sources from which research comes.

What is the purpose of Originality Detection Tools

Individuals will often plagiarize because they are either too busy, too lazy, too crunched for time or lack the needed organizational skills to create their own work. One can use a originality detection tool to prevent, discourage and detect plagiarism. Turnitin is integrated with Assignments tool in OWL to check students' submissions for originality; other free online detection tools are also available.

How to use Originality Detection Tools

Each tool will have specific instructions for use. See the OWL Tools - Assignments page for information on enabling plagiarism detection in your course sites.


Centrally Supported Tool
Originality Reports - TurnItIn
Centrally Supported Tool
Total Score 91% 90%
Functionality functionality rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 2 stars functionality rating for TurnItIn: 3 stars
Accessibility accessibility rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 2 stars accessibility rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars
Technical technical rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 3 stars technical rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars
Mobile Design mobile-design rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 1 stars mobile-design rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars
Usage & Account Set Up usage-account rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 2 stars usage-account rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars
Social Presence social-presence rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 3 stars social-presence rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars
Instructor Presence instructor-presence rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 3 stars instructor-presence rating for TurnItIn: 3 stars
Cognitive Presence cognitive-presence rating for Originality Reports - TurnItIn: 2 stars cognitive-presence rating for TurnItIn: 2 stars

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